Home Sale Prep Made Simple
Professional home sale preparation services for Home Sellers and their Real Estate Brokers.
Professional home sale preparation services for Home Sellers and their Real Estate Brokers.
We can help organize, clear and pre stage your home to sell - at your own pace. Once you know your sale timeline (6 months or less), call or email Mimi to discuss a home sale preparation game plan.
HomeSimplicity and MimiHandyGirl@gmail.com can help you efficiently clear and STREAMLINE your space to enhance buyer appeal.
CLEAR and CHEERFUL interior spaces enable buyers to envision THEIR future in YOUR space,
Let your home SPEAK TO BUYERS!
Why choose Mimi to help you prepare: She has remodeled, sold, leased managed, and orchestrated home sale preparations for several properties over the years.
Mimi can help you and your real estate broker prepare your home to sell in 2 days (without repairs and with helpers), 2 weeks and up to 6 months.
Mimi is also a licensed Real Estate Broker with Windermere Real Estate. She can help you price your home, as you prepare to sell, then refer you to an excellent Broker Associate to help you complete your contracts and successful sale in a timely fashion.
Great First Impressions are an important factor in getting buyers to fall in love with your home.
We provide homeowners with fresh flower pots and welcome mats. Home Sellers get to keep the mat and planted pots stay for 2 weeks. Additional 2 week rental and plant cleanup/replacement available (See service price list)
$75 per hour to organise, clear and/or prepare your home to sell- 3 hour appointment minimum
Room by Room suggestions on what you can do/next steps to increase the marketability of your home and prepare to have photos taken.
Each Home visit includes One Work Van Load Taken to Dump/Recycle or Goodwill
$50 per freshly planted flower pot. Your choice of stylish door mat to KEEP (for the next owner?) for $50. Flower pots are delivered to your home in time for listing photographs and stay for 2 weeks. An additional 2 week rental and plant cleanup/replacement is available for an additional $50 (all pots). Fresh flower pots can be a helpful addition to homes that aren't selling right away or for public open houses.
For questions or to schedule a HomeSimplicity appointment, Contact MimiHandyGirl@gmail.com or call 206-999-9448
3417 Evanston Avenue North #328, Seattle, Washington 98103, United States
By Appointment
Friday the 13th mat and pot deliveries 🚚 this week. Mat stays with the listing. 🌺 $30 for larger mats. $20 for smaller. Can help brokers with price opinions & marketing social posts while at property.